Month: June 2024

  • Heart Motives, Alone…with Jesus

    I was just reading an article from the Journal of Biblical Counseling by Paul David Tripp. It was written more than 25 years ago, but it rings so true in my heart. It’s hard to beat PDT when talking about relationships, but this article helped more than others for me. The article is titled, Speaking…

  • Psychology, Alone…with Jesus

    I admit it. I fall into the trap of click-bait. And the algorithms know it. In my list of articles on Google, I must have 4-5 in the realm of “______ People Exhibit these ___ Behaviors According to Psychology”. These articles fascinate me. Sometimes I want to know if I exhibit the behaviors that make…

  • Reconcile or Write Off, Alone…with Jesus

    Recently I saw a post on Facebook speaking about unapologetically disengaging with difficult relationships. I won’t quote it. I can’t even find it again. I didn’t mark the post, but it has come to mind a few times over the last week. Part of me deeply resonated with the post. Having been hurt by people…

  • Self-Talk, Alone…with Jesus

    All of us have secret thoughts about ourselves that define how we interact with the world.  This is a part of how we are made.  The question we will ask ourselves here is whether those thoughts line up with the Truth of Scripture.  Unfortunately, many of us struggle with the negative self-talk that is directly…